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Database Systems

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only


Hi everyone!

Welcome to the Database Systems course under Certificate 3 - Enterprise Application Programmer of FUNiX Online Education Organization. This is the first and basic course to help you initially become an Application Programmer. This course provides students with the theory of relational database design as well as various aspects of relational database programming in SQL server.


โœ”  Those who want to study for a university degree, completing CC3 certificate can become developers, software engineers

โœ”  Those who want to gain knowledge and basic skills in relational database system design, database programming in SQL

โœ”  This subject does not require knowledge of other programming languages, but having basic knowledge of discrete math will be helpful.


After completing this course, you will be able to:

  1. Be aware of the importance and application of databases and Database Management System (DBMS)
  2. Present the concept of databases and DBMS
  3. Present the concepts of relational theory and relational data models
  4. Use basic relational algebra operations to perform relational queries
  5. Present the concept of functional dependencies
  6. Transform relationships into Boyce-Codd Normal Form (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF)
  7. Analyze system requirements
  8. Present basic concepts of high-level data design model using ERD
  9. Fulfill model system requirements using ERD
  10. Convert ERD to detailed physical model
  11. Provide a general description of SQL language, basic database management systems using SQL language
  12. Distinguish between data definition languages, data manipulation languages, and data query languages
  13. Perform basic operations with databases and tables in SQL Server
  14. Use constraints proficiently in SQL Server (Primary key, Foreign Key, Check)
  15. Interact with the database (Insert, Update, Delete)
  16. Use basic SQL query statements on 1 table (Select …. From …. Where … order by ...) proficiently 
  17. Use data query statements from many tables (inner join, outer join, self join, union, except, intersection)
  18. Use subqueries in FROM and subqueries in WHERE proficiently 
  19. Use group by and aggregate functions in SQL
  20. Be able to use index
  21. Describe the transaction definition, error handling, and isolation levels
  22. Perform basic transactions in SQL Server
  23. Be able to use TRIGGER
  24. Be able to use Stored Procedure
  25. Be able to use User Defined Functions


Course code: DBI202x
Course name: Database Systems
Credit: 4
Duration: 8 weeks 


The course has 5 modules, covering 19 lessons. Throughout the course, Quizzes and Exercises will help you strengthen remembering and applying the theory you have learned to practical problems. After each module, you will be required to do Lab (practice) to review and score. In addition, the course's two Assignments helps you visualize and experience designing a real project yourself.

During the study duration (estimated to be 8 weeks), it is crucial to allocate the study week. If you have any questions, please contact the mentor.


  • Having the knowledge and skills about designing and installing database systems is a prerequisite for building application programs later.
  • This course is intended as an introduction to the development of database systems, database models, especially relational database systems.
  • The practice exercises are designed based on the actual experiences of the lecturers.

COURSE DESIGNER: Master Le Phuong Chi

  • Qualification: Master of Computer Science
  • Occupation: Lecturer
  • Workplace: FPT University 
  • Experience: 7 years working in the Software field, 9 years teaching at FPT University.

COURSE REVIEWER: PhDNguyen Thi Bich Thuy

  • Qualification: PhD in Information Technology
  • Occupation: Lecturer
  • Work place: University of Science
  • Experience: 18 years of experience in teaching, research and training



The purpose of FUNiX Way learning programs is that learners are confident and proficient in the digital environment, can earn money with the profession they study or use what they have learned to improve their current job, have motivation and ability to improve skills, be able to work as a member of business projects, and join the professional community as a responsible member.


This MOOC course is provided by the Udemy and Coursera platforms. These platforms provide massive open online courses highly appreciated among current MOOC platforms in the world.

Listing the learning sources below does not necessarily imply that FUNiX has any official partnership with the source's owner: Database Management Essentials by Udemy and Querying Microsoft SQL Server with T-SQL by Coursera.


FUNiX is willing to receive and discuss all comments and feedback related to our learning sources via email